The Special Collections & Archives Department of the Auburn University Libraries provides records management services to Auburn University departments, schools, and offices. Working with the records creators and staff members who are responsible for maintaining such records, we help determine what happens to records when they are no longer current. 

Many university records fall under the retention and disposal guidelines established by the Alabama State Records Commission. The state Records Disposition Authority (RDA) is the best source for understanding records retention and disposal. 

The RDA guidelines apply to University records in all formats, including electronic documents, microfilm, or digitized images of paper-based material. Digitizing permanent records and discarding the originals requires adherence to guidelines established by the State Records Commission. 

Transferring Records to the Archives 

Transferring permanent records from university units or departments is a vital part of the university’s records management strategy.  Before sending records to the archives, please follow the instructions below to ensure a smooth process. 

  • Make sure the records you wish to transfer are considered permanent. The Alabama Records Disposition Authority is the best source for identifying these types of records.  Feel free to contact Special Collections and Archives at for additional help.
  • Place your files into archival boxes or banker’s boxes (12”x15”x10”).
  • Complete the Records Transmittal Form.
  • Please get approval from Special Collections and Archives at before transferring your records.
  • If necessary, request that Facilities move the boxes to Special Collections and Archives for you.

Records Destruction 

In keeping with the university’s records management strategy, non-permanent records should be discarded or destroyed in a responsible manner.  This is especially important when dealing with non-permanent student records, financial records, or other records containing personally identifiable information. The university offers shredding services through the Facilities Division. The shredded paper will be recycled. 

When destroying university records, please follow the instructions below. 

Last updated: 09/05/2024