This Is Auburn Auburn University Libraries PrePrint Servers

PrePrint Servers

CERN Preprint Server
This server, at the renowned high energy physics facility, contains physics preprints from 1994 to the present.

Conservation Laws
This server, containing preprints from 1996-present, is maintained at the Mathematics Dept. of the Norwegian University of Science and Technology.

High Energy Physics Preprint Archive
This archive on the Stanford Public Information Retrieval System (SPIRES) of the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) contains over 350,000 articles from 1974 to the present.

Hopf Topology Archive
This Purdue site deals with papers in algebraic topology.

Hypatia Research Papers
The Hypatia Electronic Library contains research papers in Pure Mathematics and Computer Science which are mirrored from numerous FTP sites around the world. The automatic copying process is under the control of authors through the Hypatia registration form. Most of the papers are compressed files in DVI or PostSript format.

K-Theory Preprint Archives
Preprint server for papers in K-theory, maintained by the Mathematics Department at the University of Illinois.

Networked Computer Science Technical Reference Library
NCSTRL (pronounced "ancestral") is an international collection of computer science research reports and papers made available for non-commercial use from a number of participating institutions and archives. Some of the documents in NCSTRL are part of the technical report collections of participating institutions. For the most part, NCSTRL institutions are universities that grant PhDs in Computer Science or Engineering, with some industrial or government research laboratories.

Political Methodology Archive
A working-paper server developed by the Political Methodology Society, in conjunction with the American Political Science Association's political-methodology section.

XXX Mathematics Archive
Mathematics preprints maintained by Los Alamos National Lab with a front-end at UC Davis.

Last updated: 04/12/2019