You can renew items online or by presenting each item to the circulation desk. Special Borrowers and Corporate Users are allowed one online renewal provided they have not exceeded their checkout limit. All other patrons are allowed three online renewals. You cannot renew online if you have exceeded your item limit, if someone has placed a recall on one of your items, or if you have reached the maximum fine limit for your patron group. Bound journals, 3-day reserves, and 7-day reserves cannot be renewed and can only be checked out again after 1 day.
To renew items online:
If "Not Renewed" displays or there are no renewal boxes displayed, then you must bring the item to the branch where you originally checked out the item. Your items have not been renewed. Items that do not show as renewed or do not have renewal boxes displayed may either be recalled or you may have reached the maximum number of renewals allowed for your patron group.
Special Borrowers cannot renew any materials if they have any overdue or lost item fines or fees.